Shop & Establishment Registration (S&E) / Gumasta License

Shop & Establishment Registration (S&E) / Gumasta License

1 Each

Take the first step towards establishing your business with Kccgroup's Shop & Establishment Registration (S&E) service. Our team of expert consultants will guide you through the process, ensuring that you meet all legal requirements and have all necessary documentation in place. Don't let paperwork and regulations hold you back - let Kccgroup help you get started on the path to success.

It serves as a proof of legal entity which gives you the right to conduct business in the India. Any business would require a business bank account to collect money from customers. Most banks demand the Gumashta License as proof of identity to open a business Bank Account. It also helps to get Business Loan from any Bank.

Contact us today to learn more.


1) Applicant's Aadhaar

2) Applicant's PAN / Voter Card / Driving License / Passport (Any One)

3) Applicant's Photo

4) Shop / Office Photo with Banner / Name Board of Business Name

5) Address Proof (Electricity Bill OR Rent Agreement on Stamp of Rs. 500/- min.)

In case of Company / Firm following douments required additionally:-

6) Incorporation Letter

7) Articiles of Association (AOA),

8) Memorandum of Association (MOA)

9) List of Directors

10) Authorization Letter in favour of the Applicant (if Applicant is an Employee / Partner) OR

11) Board Resolution in favour of the Applicant (If Applicant is a Member in Board of Directors)

12) Photo ID Proof of Signing Authority of Authorization Letter or Board Resolution.

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An email will be sent to the Owner / Director / Authorized Representative.

Please note that Kashish Computers & Communications may not be able to honour booking requests made.